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These are most of the living (or near-living, or robotic) foes that Keen will encounter during his adventure.

Shadowlands Enemies


Arachnuts run back and forwards. Like, really fast. They can only be stunned for a short amount of time.


Berkeloids are creatures made of fire found in the pyramids of the Shadowlands, and they like to throw even more fire at Keen.

Berkeloids throw fireballs more often on Hard compared to Normal. They do not throw fireballs at all on Easy.

Blue Bird

Blue Birds are capable of chasing Keen both on land and in the air, making them a formidable foe. Watch out for their eggs too - any disturbance might cause them to hatch. Blue Birds can only be stunned temporarily.

On Easy, Blue Birds fly slower than on other difficulties.


Boing! Boing! Boing! Bounders like to bounce. They bounce around non-stop. Keen can jump on top of them and take a ride.


The giant green fish that needs no introduction, he's here, he's... okay, I dunno, but he's here. Watch out for this guy in Three-Tooth Lake; he'll devour Keen in a single bite, no matter how many lives he has.

On Easy, Dopefish swim slower than on other difficulties.


Harmless creatures that just like to follow Keen around. Watch your step or they'll be... oh, right, you've probably heard that one before.


A bouncy ball of heat, Licks are just as comfortable above water as they are under it, shooting flames or hot steam bubbles at Keen after closing in on him.

Mad Mushroom

Boing! Boing! BIG boing! Mad Mushrooms also like to bounce, but they stay in one place while doing so. Unlike the friendly Bounders, these guys are deadly to the touch - and completely stunner-proof too.


Disguising themselves as rocks to sneak up on Keen, these guys will only chase or attack Keen when he's not looking. When they're hiding, they're invulnerable too, but a well-timed shot will knock them out for good.

On Easy, Mimrocks hide for longer between steps / attacks than on other difficulties.

Poison Slug

These guys just wander back and forwards minding their own business, occasionally leaving a nice hot pile of slug waste. If it weren't for the fact that both themselves and their waste are highly poisonous, they wouldn't be a threat at all.

Poison Slugs leave waste puddles more often on higher difficulties compared to lower ones.


Schoolfish will swim around, following Keen if he's in the water nearby. They're harmless, but can be useful as Dopefish bait.


These aptly-named nuisances fly around erratically, giving Keen a nasty bite if they encounter him - although they won't actively seek him out. They're a lot less dangerous when they stop for a rest. The stunner won't harm them, but maybe something else will...

Skypests land less often on higher difficulties compared to lower ones.


Even a Dopefish knows not to mess with these guys. They float up and down underwater, firing blasts of energy at anyone - such as Keen - that they don't like.

Sprites need less time to charge up their shots on higher difficulties compared to lower ones.


Until woken, these look like any other regular cloud. Once disturbed, they'll glide back and forward, looking eagerly for a hero to zap with a bolt of lightning. Stunner blasts pass right through these guys.


Small, until they decide it's time to bite, these guys can be hard to notice. Their small size makes them impossible to hit with a stunner blast usually, but when they expand to attack they're vulnerable.

Fribbulus Xax Enemies


Babobba jump around, throwing fireballs from time to time. Touching them is not a good idea either. Sometimes they stop for a break.

Babobba are harmless while napping on Easy. Babobba do not take naps at all on Hard.


Bips provide security for the Bloog Tower in their flying ships, firing energy blasts at intruders. They're pretty pathetic if their ship crashes.


Bloogs aren't so much an enemy as just really, really hungry. Which still means they're going to eat Keen given half the chance.


These young Bloogs are full of energy, and free of danger for the most part. Just don't let them push Keen into something full of danger. The occasional naughty Blooglet has been known to steal important items.


Unlike regular Bloogs which are just hungry, Blooguards actively want to hurt Keen. If they think he's going to get away, they'll slam their massive club into the ground to knock him down for a few seconds. They can't be permanently stunned either, although a blast from the stunner will still knock them out for a little while.


Like Babobba, but bigger. Much much bigger. Unlike their smaller cousins, these guys are immune to Keen's stunner.

Bobba shoot fireballs more frequently on higher difficulties compared to lower ones.


Sneaky creatures that hide in the roofs of caves - including underwater - and will attempt to take a bite out of anything that passes by. They'd be very hard to fight back against, if they didn't insist on leaving themself vulnerable while they mock any prey that gets away.


These giant-toothed creatures, no relation to the Dopefish, mostly just push Keen around. The danger comes from their teeth being able to reflect stunner shots right back at Keen.

On Easy, Flect's teeth simply block shots instead of reflecting them.


These cave-dwellers know a heroic meal when they see, or more likely hear, one. Their giant ear lets them detect the slighest movements and home in on Keen. If he stands still, they might need to stop and look around for him. Fleexes can only be stunned temporarily - and they recover especially quickly, too.


Keen can take a ride on these little bugs if he sneaks up on them, often letting him get past low-lying dangerous terrain. However, if they see him and decide to attack, watch out!

Giks move slower when attacking on Easy.


Nospikes walk around until they realise they can see someone or something they don't like. Then they charge, spike first, at their chosen target. Sometimes they focus so hard on this, they don't watch where they're going, and may even take a few seconds to remember that gravity is a thing. They're tough though, so whether it's from a fall or a stunner shot, they'll get back up soon enough.


Orbatrixes... or orbatrices?... fly around and observe. Sometimes, they get bored, and curl up into a ball and bounce around. They don't really mean any harm, but they can cause a fair bit of damage if they whack into Keen while bouncing.

Omegamatic Enemies

Little Ampton

These utility robots patrol the Omegamatic, operating many of the computer terminals. They're mostly harmless and just push Keen around, although they can be dangerous when sliding up and down poles at high speeds.

On Hard, Little Amptons are deadly even when not on a pole.

Robo Red

A guard robot designed to shoot first, shoot more later; they won't be happy if they spot Keen. Now, how well they can really see is another question, but if they do, watch out - a barrage of powerful, rapid-fire shots is coming Keen's way. Firing back will only make him angry.

Robo Reds fire more shots per barrage on higher difficulties compared to lower ones.


Shelleys mostly just walk around, trying to push things off ledges. If they see an opportunity though, they'll dive-bomb a threat; they pack a bit of a punch!


The creators and operators of the Omegamatic; these beings are made of pure energy which it is not advisable for Keen to come in contact with. While not very agile, they can send powerful sparks up and down poles to try and attack Keen from a distance. Stunner shots will knock them down for a bit, but they'll get back up eventually.

On Easy, Shikadi can only send sparks along poles in one direction at a time.

Shikadi Mine

A one-of-a-kind special weapon designed to be able to destroy the Omegamatic's QED should an emergency need to do so arise; this powerful autopiloted explosive will no doubt be turned against Keen if the opportunity arises. If Keen is close enough to the blast, no amount of lives will save him.


High-energy puppies that are also made of energy, and shoot energy when they bark. They'd make a good pet for Keen, if it wasn't for the fact that they're dangerous to Keen in just about every way, and actively want to hurt him.

On Hard, Shockshunds can only be stunned temporarily.


Generic patrol robots monitoring the Omegamatic, although not designed for defence purposes, they can hit Keen with a nasty spark if they make contact - and may even try to rush at him.


It's unclear if Slicestars are alive or not, but they certianly can help make sure Keen isn't. Some of them float back and forwards; others are more energetic and bounce around. Hitting them with enough shots can destroy them, but that's a very quick way to waste all of Keen's ammo.

Slicestars require fewer shots to destroy on Easy compared to other difficulties.


It's not clear exactly what these gravity-resistant orbs are meant for or where they come from, but for some reason, they're drawn towards Keen, and the results aren't nice if they reach him. Stunner shots have no effect on these.


Like Mad Mushrooms, but in SPACE!!!, these things just bounce around. Sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes upside-down. Also like Mad Mushrooms, Keen cannot harm them.


Spirogrips just kind of... exist. Floating around the Omegamatic, doing their thing, grabbing onto random floors, walls and ceilings. Known to get rude if shot at.


Perhaps a lesser form of energy being related to the Shikadi, these guys just float around, following whatever path feels like it has the right energy for them. Sometimes that can even be changed. Stunner shots will knock them out... for a little while.

Volte-Faces move slower on Easy compared to other difficulties.